domingo, 19 de novembro de 2017


Newchic Announces Black Friday Sale, Low to $0.99
In 2015 Newchic launched the first version of its fashion e-commerce website, with the goal of being an industry leader in providing affordable products at the highest quality. By pricing much below other industry leaders, the company has been able to sell a lot of products very quickly, while also making enough money to stay afloat. This model has worked so well that in the first three quarters of 2017 Newchic has been able to record its highest returns to date. To keep the sales coming and to give thanks to the customers, Newchic is announcing its largest Black Friday sale to date. Every product is on sale, prizes will be rewarded, and much more. Click here to visit:
Newchic Black Friday Sale

2017 sales up to the first three quarters have been triple what they were last year, and the company is now forecasting that 2017 sales will quadruple the sales of the previous years. The company has been aggressive to outperform its competition in both pricing and customer service. SEO Manager for Newchic had this to say, “It is the key to success to focus on customers and capture customers’ demands.”. The company is looking to meet the quadruple sales forecast with its holiday sales, kicking off with its annual Black Friday deals.
Newchic Black Friday Sale

Most shoppers look at Black Friday as the start of holiday shopping, many retailers are putting their hottest brands on sale for prices that are otherwise unheard of. Newchic looks to join the trend with its very own set of Black Friday deals. The company bolsters itself by caring name brands like Socofy, O-newe, Gracila, and Saiclehome. On top of price mark downs, Newchic looks to add more incentives for customers to shop with them. This year the company is adding flash deals, larger discounts for in-app purchases, 15% discounts for PayPal purchases, and free prizes, and more. Customers are encouraged to buy right away as quantities are limited. To compete with competitors the company is placing 100,000 of its profits into the Newchic Black Friday Promotion, dropping prices of some items to even 0.1 dollar.
Black Friday Sale Newchic

Newchic is excited to cap off 2017 with its highest sales figures to date. Through its upcoming Black Friday and holiday promotions, customers will receive huge discounts while the company looks to quadruple its previous year sales!

To know more about the campaign, please visit 2017 Newchic Black Friday sale 

* Post em parceria com a loja New Chic. Link original AQUI.



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6 comentários:

  1. Que dica legal!Vou conhecer a loja e ver as ofertas disponíveis!Bjs

  2. oi!
    Que maravilha :D eu adoro a BLACK FRIDAY. Os preços são ótimos, eu vou aproveitar os descontos ;)

  3. Que bacana...quem não ama uma promoção???
    Gostei, muito legal.
    Blog ArroJada Mix

  4. Mandaram bem demais na promoção de Black Friday hein... Adorei! ;D

  5. aaa que tudo arrasaram nessas promoções!

  6. promoção com black friday é sempre bem vindo!!!
